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PFC Engineering Update 2025

As we come to the end of our first month of 2025, the workshop team have been hard at work getting units built and equipment into stock ready for another busy year here at PFC Engineering Ltd   We currently have 4 of our FSi400 fully…

Active Harmonic Filter With PFC Install at Recycling Plant

A recent catastrophic failure of a 200kVAr Power Factor Correction unit on the main incoming supply at Large Recycling Centre has raised concerns that the quality of the supply may in some way be compromised, resulting in this failure.   In…

PFC Tray Assembly Replacement at Meat Factory.

This 350kVAr Power Factor Correction unit installed in 1998 was found to have multiple capacitor failures following a long period of not being annually maintained. It was decided that an end-of-life replacement for all the tray assemblies…

PFC Replacement at UK Rubber Manufacturing Plant

We were asked to carry out a full maintenance of a panel built Power Factor Correction unit at a UK rubber fabrication plant. The existing PFC on site had not had a full service before despite being installed in 1997. The unit has a multitude…

PFC Detuning for a Large Fizzy Drink Manufacturer

After a callout to a significant capacitor failure inside one of the Power Factor correction units, it was noted that the background harmonics had increased since our last annual service visit. A week-long Power Quality Analysis was carried…

Active Harmonic Filter Installation – Cardiff

We recently carried out the second phase of our Active harmonic filter installations at a large insulation manufacturer in Cardiff.   This supply now consists of 3 x 180amp P300-180/690V units connected in a Master/Slave/Slave configuration…

Power Factor Unit Replacement

A recommendation for an end-of-life replacement for a 100 kVAr ABB PFC unit was made following site's annual maintenance due to the age of the existing equipment as well as multiple capacitor failures. We also recommended adjusting the capacitor…

PFC Replacement at Highstreet Supermarket

  This old 100kVAr Power Factor Correction unit had reached the end of its life expectancy and multiple internal components had started to fail. It also had very little to no annual servicing carried out on it and due to its location…

Comsys Colab Conference 2024

We recently had the pleasure of attending this year's Comsys Colab conference in Lund, Sweden. This event hosted by our Active Harmonic Filtration Partner Comsys we a great chance to not only catch-up face to face with the Comsys team but…

PFC FSi300 Rebuild

Following a maintenance request from a large aggregate manufacturing plant just outside London we carried out a service on what turned out to be one of our Power Factor Correction units, a FSi300 originally built by us in 2007 for a 3rd party…

PFC & AHF Commissioning Ireland

During a recent trip to Ireland, we carried out the commissioning of 6 Active Harmonic filters and 3 new Power Factor Correction units at a large horticultural manufacturing site. All the equipment had been shipped to the site and installed…

Voltage Optimisation Replacement

We were asked to investigate a possible fault with a Voltage Optimisation unit installed at a Gym south of London. The site reported that the load started to flicker and eventually the VO unit went into bypass mode increasing the voltage back…

Detuned PFC Replacement in Central London.

We were asked to carry out a survey with the intention of replacing 1000kVAr worth of failed PFC equipment at a large office building in central London. Upon our initial visit to the site we found that the existing Power Factor Equipment had…

PFC Upgrade at High Street Supermarket

This Power Factor Correction unit was found to be unsuitable for site during an annual maintenance inspection along with multiple failures. It was also noted that the capacitor stages for too coarse for the load and the site would benefit from…

FSi100 PFC Unit with Custom Selector Switches

An example of one of our FSi100 Power Factor Correction units with the addition of illuminated Hand/off/auto selector switches. These switches allow the manual operation of the capacitor stages without the use of the digital control relay. The…

Active Harmonic Filter Replacement

We are contacted by an insurance business that occupies a large commercial building in central Ipswich regarding the failure of an Active Harmonic Filter on one of the LV supplies. We already carry out the annual Power Factor maintenance…

PFC Switch Replacement

The fuse switch built into this old-style Power Factor unit had failed in such a way that the rotary handle mechanism no longer functioned.   The unit was luckily fed via another MCCB in the LV panel so it was able to be isolated…

Baggage Line PFC Replacement

Unit replacement on baggage line at large UK airport.   Due to a change in the load, this existing single-stage 50kVAr unit was too large for accurate correction so it was to be replaced with a unit that still had a total kVAr output…

Power Factor Assembly Replacement

This 100kVAr Power Factor Correction unit installed at a high street supermarket had not been fully serviced since its installation in 1992 and as such we recommend an ‘End of Life’ replacement for all components. This FS style of PFC…

PFC Unit Install at Recycling Centre

A recent installation of two Power Factor Correction units at a large recycling facility in north London. Due to the nature of the site, the switchgear was extremely dirty and the original Power Factor Units installed, one stand-alone unit…
Active Harmonic Filter

Active Harmonic Filter Installation

Harmonic levels at a large grain storage and drying factory had, over the past few years, crept slowly up in distortion eventually leading to some major equipment failures. This increase was also having a detrimental effect on the Power Factor…

Rebuild of Panel Built PFC Equipment

A large engine manufacturing plant that had multiple failures inside their panel-built Power Factor Correction unit including welded contactor coils, heat-damaged cabling and capacitor failures. Due to the age of the equipment and the wide range…

Grain Store PFC Harmonic Upgrade

Following an annual maintenance check at a large grain storage and drying facility found that there are high harmonic distortion levels on the sites load and as such the standard FS200 Power Factor equipment installed was now elevating the harmonics…

New FSi400 Unit Installed At Fencing Company

After a full site load and power quality analysis, recommendations were made to this fencing manufacturer for the installation of a fully detuned Power Factor Correction unit. This unit would be one of our new style FSi 400 Deep units and…

Active Filter Install in Central London

A number of under-voltage trips on the roof plant chillers, including some failures involving physical damage to the chiller plant have occurred at a large commercial site in central London.   A previous analysis carried out on the…

MCCB Replacement & PFC Rebuild at Magistrates Court

Working with one of our facility providers we were asked to carry out Power Factor services at several Courts around the UK. At one of the sites, it was found that the PFC capacitor banks had failed and the main MCCB had failed internally and…

Detuned PFC install at Major Chemical Distributor

After being approached by a customer to review their site's Power Factor following high reactive charges a desktop review of the site's electricity bills and an on-site load survey it was found that significant savings could be made from installing…

New Capacitor Banks for Mill Press Motors

Here are some examples of recent capacitor installations for drive motors. Firstly, we have 2 22.3kVar ‘fixed’ C-Type PFC Units each connected to a 75kW 6-pole start/delta drive. These fixed style capacitor units work in line with the…

Additional Capacitors Connected to Existing PFC Unit

Following the annual maintenance at a grain mill it was found that additional capacitors were required to help the site reach a healthy Power Factor above 0.95 inductive. The existing equipment on site was fully operational however space…

Go Monitor Metering

Following the installation of main meters and remote access network gateways, we have recently returned to a site in Sheerness to continue to add even more sub metering.   Using the Rayleigh Ri-F100 series Three Phase Multimeter we…

400kVAr Master/Slave PFC Replacement

A recent installation of 2 x 200kVAr Power Factor Correction Master – Slave units at a city centre cement works. Following a maintenance and a full power quality survey on site, two new detuned Power Factor Correction units were quoted…

Detuned PFC Assembly Fitted Inside of Existing LV Panel

With the high harmonic distortion levels on this site in central London the standard Power Factor equipment installed in the original LV Panel was starting to fail. As such a new detuned capacitor stage was required. Following a survey carried…

End of Life PFC Replacement

A recent ‘End of Life’ replacement for 200kVArs worth of standard Power Factor Correction at a large car part manufacturer in Portsmouth.   During the annual site maintenance, multiple capacitor failure along with general age,…

PFC Thyristor Unit Upgrades

After carrying out power quality review at a large electrical component manufacture, the rapid fluctuation in load means that standard Power Factor Correction equipment cannot switch fast enough to correct the PF. As such thyristor switching…

Detuned PFC Replacment at Plastics Manufacturer

Replacement of a failed power factor correction unit at a plastic sheet manufacturer in Hertfordshire. The existing unit on site was in need a of replacement following a full maintenance inspection carried out by one of our engineers. Multiple…

Capacitor Replacment & Upgrade at Roofing Manufacturer

Power Factor replacement at a roof tile manufacturer in Gloucestershire. After carrying out what was possible the first maintenance of the Power Factor correction equipment in the last 40 years it was found that all the capacitor banks had…

Power Factor Rebuild at Court House

After the completion of a full maintenance service, it was found that the Power Factor Correction equipment on site had multiple failures across all the capacitor banks and contactors. A load survey also carried out during the maintenance service…

PFC Rebuild at Chilled Distribution Depot

Following a site inspection, it was found that site required a full rebuild of their 300kVAr panel-built Power Factor Correction. We recommended replacing the existing failed capacitor tray assemblies with our own SBA 100 trays which included…

T-Type PFC Installation

A medium sized coatings factory in Hertfordshire required some help reducing the reactive charges there were receiving on there electricity bills, so following a desktop review of their monthly charges it was determined that a 4 stage 50kVAr…

PFC Unit Site Relocation

Recently a customer running a large waste recycling centre wished to move a Power Factor Correction installed in 2021 from its old site in Hartlepool to new plant in Derby, so one of our engineers attended site to remove, relocate and re-install…

All New Thyristor Switched Capacitor Assemblies

Our workshop team have been busy adapting our PN100 reactor tray assemblies to incorporate theses Lovato DCTLA4000500 thyristor switching contactors for faster switching times for the capacitor banks. The unit is controlled by a Lovato DCRG8F…

Panel Built Active Harmonic Filter

High harmonic distortion at Recycling plant. Due to the proliferation of inverter loading at this site, concerns have been raised as to the amount of harmonic distortion being produced at this site and its potential effect on the other connected…

FSi 500kVAr Master/Slave Configuration

Another 500kVAr power factor correction unit built and ready to be sent out to customer. Two FSi Deep units connected in a Master/Slave arrangement each made up of 2 x 25kVAr detuned capacitor stages and 4 x 50kVAr capacitor stages all controlled…

Panel Built PFC Replacment

This repair for a large supermarket distribution change involved a rebuild of the existing Power Factor inside of the LV panel. The original block contactors were removed and replaced with soft switching IMO MC62 contactors as well as replacing…

Surge Protection Replacemnt

During a annual Power Factor correction service it was noted that the on site Surge Protection device was showing reduced protection on the L3 phase due to the equipment absorbing a transient event on the supply.   Surge protection…

Reactive Power Reduction by use of Power Factor Correction.

A customer who owns an Injection Moulding company in Dorset that were receiving reactive charges on their electricity bills due to a poor site Power Factor. Site were able to provide us with their half hourly consumption data over the period…

Active Filter Installation at Food Factory

After carrying out a site survey for large food manufacturing site it was found that the harmonic voltage distortion levels of over 9% THvD which are extremely high and of major concern.   The measured voltage distortion exceeds the…

PFC Replacment in External GRP

Following a Maintenance Service at a UK supermarket chain the Power Factor Correction installed on site was found outside in a GRP container. The unit had not been serviced since its original install in 2008 and was in a poor condition. An…

Power Factor Upgrade in Central London

A customer at a large office building in central London recently required a Power Factor Correction unit replacement due to the existing equipment becoming outdated and no longer fit for the sites load. During our annual maintenance visit…

PFC Replacement At Aerospace Manufacturer

A customer at an aerospace manufacturer in the Isle of White wanted an end of life replacement for their existing Power Factor Correction units. The existing units were 150kVAr each in a Master/Slave set up, meaning that one of the units…

New FSi400 Deep PFC Unit

Due to a high demand for detuned Power Factor Correction to help reduce harmonics we have added a new product to our FSi range of PFC units. Introducing the new FSi400 Deep Power Factor Correction unit. This new design fits up to 400kVAr…

Unit Rebuild at Laundry Factory

A new customer at a Laundry cleaning factory recently enquired about having their Power Factor Correction unit serviced. The unit was built into the main LV Switchboard and had not been serviced since installation 10+ years ago. The LV Switchboard…

PFC Units & Active Harmonic Filters

A  very busy few months at PFC Engineering. Are workshop staff have been working tirelessly to get a multitude of order built and ready for a wide range of customers. Firstly, 4 of our standard FS200 200kVAr Power Factor Correction units…

Remote Monitoring Install

Along with our partners at GO Monitor, we recently started Phase One of metering installations for a customer at a UK Port. With 14 main supplies to monitor each with its own set of installation challenges two of our engineers spent the week…

Active Harmonic Filters & Custom Build PFC Units

Today’s shipment of 6 x 300A Active Harmonic Filters and 3 x 360kVAr fully detuned Power Factor Correction unit have been loaded up and is on its way to our customer in Northern Ireland  

New Public AED Installed Outside PFC Offices

After a recent company First Aid course the decision was made to buy a new public access AED (automated external defibrillator) Not only is this excellent piece of kit available to PFC Engineering but also the local community and though we…

PFC Panel Full Rebuild

Following a site maintenance at a University in Coventry, two panel built PFC sections were found to have failing components and the original install provided little to no easy maintenance access to the tray assemblies. It was decided that…

Power Factor Rebuild at Condiment Factory

We were asked to carry out a Power Factor Correction service for a condiment manufacturer in Littleborough, near Manchester. Site had two main LV supplies each with its own standalone 200kVAr Power Factor Correction unit. Nether of the unit…

Power Factor Rebuild for Computer Company in Warwick

Following a recent visit to a computer manufacturing site in Warwick, it was found that the existing Power Factor Correction Equipment had a multitude failures. These included, failed capacitors, contactors that had welded closed, and cables…

We Are Hiring

Looking for a new challenge? Here at PFC Engineering we are looking to fill roles in both our in house manufacturing as well as our on our site services team. Please see below for further details and we look forward to hearing from you soon.       ELECTRICAL…

Detuned Power Factor Supply & Commission

A recent supply & commissioning for a plastic recycling & manufacturing plant in Hampshire of two 400kVAr Master/Slave detuned Power Factor Correction units with integral door interlocking MCCBs, forced air ventilation and IP54 enclosures   …

Voltage Optimisation Servicing

We were asked to attend a large office site in central London to carry out Voltage Optimisation check along with a Thermal Imaging Survey. Our engineer completed a full maintenance test sheet while onsite taking details regards in the type…

Power Factor Equipment Install

Following on from a recent site maintenance from one of our engineers it was found that the existing panel-built Power Factor Equipment had failed and due to the age of many of the components being over 25 years old it was recommended that a…

Power Factor Commissioning

Recently we were asked to visit an aggregates site in East London to carry out commissioning on this 300kVAr automatic, detuned Power Factor Correction Unit. Site had just had the mains LV panel upgraded along with the local Transformer. The…