Power Factor Rebuild for Computer Company in Warwick
Following a recent visit to a computer manufacturing site in Warwick, it was found that the existing Power Factor Correction Equipment had a multitude failures. These included, failed capacitors, contactors that had welded closed, and cables that had over heated.
Before Rebuild
The unit itself had never been maintained since its original installation, and now needed repair. It was decided that due to the age of the equipment, and lack of servicing, we would replace the existing trays with our own SBA tray assemblies. This would include all new, long life metallized polypropylene capacitors rated to 480V, new IMO soft switching contactors along with additional sub fusing and new power cables.
The digital control relay was also upgraded to a Lovato DCRL 5, providing more information regarding the PFC as well as advanced functionality over the original one installed on site.
After Rebuild
All work was done in 1 day and site were left fully operating with 400kVAr of new Power Factor Correction Equpitment and an upgraded controller.