Power Factor Correction FAQs

Power Factor (Cos φ) is the ratio of True Power (kW) to Apparent Power (kVA) and is used as an indication of how efficiently an industrial or commercial site is operating. The closer the Power Factor is to unity (1), the more efficiently a site is said to be operating.

Yes! Reducing your sites Power Factor will in turn reduce the amount of Reactive Charge you maybe being billed for on your monthly electricity statement.

During a annual service of your Power Factor Equipment some of the main tests we carry out are:

  • Microfarad test of the capacitors to check kVAr output
  • Insulation resistance of power cables
  • Manual function tests of contactors
  • Fuse checks
  • Full physical tightness check of all terminals
  • Full clean out of equipment cubicle and vents
  • Full function tests of control relay
  • Check the operation of Fans and quality of filter elements
  • Site Load survey

Other additional tests may be carried out depending on the type of PFC installed on site

The cost to carry out a full Power Factor maintenance will vairy from site to site depending on the total number of PFC units on site as well as the total amount of kVAr. We can provide quotations for individual customers based upon theses factors and our office team are happy to assist with any further questions regarding pricing.

Active Harmonic Filter FAQs

An active filter is basically an inverter based harmonic current source that measures the magnitude and phase of the load current harmonics. The AHF injects compensation current that are the exact opposite to cancel out the load behaviour.

Yes, subject to available space, the AHF components can be custom built into any existing panels on site in a ‘plug & play’ style installation.

AHFs come in a variety of output sizes and a full site survey and analysis will need to be carried out prior to any new installation. This can be carried out by PFC Engineering Ltd and on completion we will provide you with a full detailed site loading report along with any recommendation and quotations required.

Power Quality Health Check FAQs

Having an annual or bi-annual power quality health check provides the potential to prevent costly power issues that might arise from things such as installation of new equipment or site expansion.

An initial site survey is required to evaluate the makeup of the site, this can be done over the phone or in person at site. Following this a engineer will visit site to connect a power analyser to the LV supply which will be left of a minimum of one week where upon it will be collected and the data reviewed. This will be followed up with a full report and any recommendations.

Surge Protection FAQs

Surge protection devices are used to protect sensitive electrical equipment such as computers and control equipment from potentially damaging voltage transients.

This does vary depending on the make of surge protection installed but the SPD will usually have some form of indicator for each phase. This is usually a colour tab or indicator light showing if the phase is healthy or has reduced protection. Most SPDs will have instructions regarding this printed on the front of the equipment, however if in doubt feel free to contact us and we will be able to assist in identifying any failures.

Metering FAQs

Yes! The Raleigh RF metering cube can come with a variety of connection options so that it can communicate with your sites BMS.

With the addition of Go Monitors gateway system, multiple meters can be connected to a single online IoT portal, providing a dashboard visualisation customised for your needs.

Yes, we can use sites existing meter connections to install a digital meter and in most cases this work can be carried out normal working hours without disruption to site.

Voltage Optimisation FAQs

The basic idea behind most forms of voltage optimisation is to reduce the incoming supply voltage from a level provided by the grid to one that is more suited to the needs of the equipment on site.

The main benefit form installing VO is site can save up to 15% of their energy consumption ultimately  saving you money on your electricity bill as well as extending the life expectancy of other equipment on site.